Jonathan is the youngest member of our family.
Here we are at a park in Sebring.
Jonathan is a teenager now. Besides the stuff most teenage boys are interested in (girls, playing video games, sleeping late, watching TV), Jonathan also likes outdoor stuff, going to Karate, going to Universal Studios, and American Indian dancing.
Jonathan is one half Cherokee. We attend. the local pow wows and other similar events as often as we can. In 2004, Jonathan joined the Talako Indian Dancers. He has really enjoyed his involvement there. In early 2005, through his involvement with the Talako group, we were able to take part in a Lenni Lenape naming ceremony. Jonathan received the name Pony Bow. (A Pony Bow is a smaller bow than a hunting or longbow. The Pony Bow was usually used in combat, particularly when on horseback.)
We visited the Qualla Reservation in July of 2004. Which is where Jonathan got his interest in dancing.
We joined the Overhill Indian Nation of Cherokee Descendants in October 2005. We are members of the Florida Wolf Clan of the Overhill Nation, and meet regularly near Lakeland. The purpose of the Overhill Nation is to teach and preserve Cherokee customs, culture, and language.
After watching Jonathan dancing in October 2005, the Principal Chief of the Overhill Nation gave Jonathan his Cherokee name "Dancing Hawk".
Both Jonathan and I have been working on crafts including beadwork and indian clothing, with the goal of eventually having several complete sets of regalia each for different occaisions.
To see Jonathan's photo gallery, click here.